At the Sound Mixing Stage for the Film “Elevation”

Recording at the Synchron Stage in Vienna with director Richard Ladkani

Recording “Cities of the Future” with the Budapest Scoring Stage

Studio Photos - Santa Monica, CA

Room 1

room 1 (12 feet by 15 feet).jpg

Room 2


Room 3

room 3-b (20.5 feet by 15 feet).jpg

Room 4

Dolby 7.1 Tuned and Treated

mix room-b (21 feet by 20 feet).JPG
mix room-a (21 feet by 20 feet).JPG
mix room-c (21 feet by 20 feet).JPG

Machine Room

machine room (8 feet by 15 feet).JPG

Common Lounge Area

lounge area-a.jpg